Clifford algebra

Clifford algebra

Given a field kk. Consider a kk-vector field VV endowed with a quadratic form qq. Recall that a quadratic form qq is a map

q:Vkq:V\rightarrow k

such that q(λv)=λ2q(v)q(\lambda v)=\lambda^2q(v), for all λk\lambda\in k and vVv\in V, and that


is a bilinear map. In particular, qq is symmetric.

Def. The Clifford algebra of (V,q)(V,q) is defined as



T(V):=i=0Vi\mathscr{T}(V):=\sum_{i=0}^\infty V^{\otimes i}

is the tensor algebra of VV, and Iq(V)\mathscr{I}_q(V) is the ideal generated by vv+q(v)1kv\otimes v+q(v)1_k​. Denote the multiplication of elements in Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q) by

vw=[vw].v\cdot w=[v\otimes w].

Remark. The vector space VV can be thought of as a subspace in Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q), as V=V1V=V^{\otimes 1}.

As an algebraic object, or regarding Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q) as a quotient space, we can think of its universal property.

Prop. The Clifford algebra of (V,q)(V,q) has the following universal property: given an associative algebra AA and a kk-linear map f:VAf:V\rightarrow A, satisfying


there exists a unique map f~:Cl(V,q)A\tilde{f}: Cl(V,q)\rightarrow A that extends ff.

With this property, once given a morphism f:(V,q)(V,q)f:(V,q)\rightarrow (V',q'), then this morphism induces a morphism between Clifford algebra

f:Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q)f_*:Cl(V,q)\rightarrow Cl(V',q')

such that f(vw)=f(v)f(w)f_*(v\otimes w)=f(v)\otimes f(w). Moreover, one can verify that * is a covariant functor.

Clifford algebra as a filtered algebra

Clifford algebra has a filtered structure as a

Def. A filtered algebra AA is an associative algebra with a sequence of subsets

{0}F0AF1AA\{0\}\subset\mathcal{F}^0A\subset \mathcal{F}^1A\subset\cdots\subset A

such that FiA=A\bigcup\mathcal{F}^iA=A, and FiAFjAFi+jA\mathcal{F}^iA\cdot\mathcal{F}^jA\subset\mathcal{F}^{i+j}A. The associated graded algebra G\mathscr{G} is defined by


e.g. The tensor algebra T(V)\mathscr{T}(V) of a kk-vector space is a filtered algebra, with filtration

FiA:=kiVk\mathcal{F}^iA:=\sum_{k\leq i} V^{\otimes k}

Remark. There is a strong relation between the filtered structures on T(V)\mathscr{T}(V) and Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q)​​.

Structure on Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q) and ΛV\Lambda^* V

Prop. The associated graded algebra of Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q) is naturally isomorphic to the exterior algebra ΛV\Lambda^*V.

Proof. Consider a map


defined by v1vr[v1vr]v_1\otimes\cdots\otimes v_r\mapsto[v_1\cdots v_r]. This map could be descended to


as we have the Clifford equation

vw+wv=2q(v,w)kvw+wv=-2q(v,w)\in k

has degree 00, which vanishes in Fr1\mathscr{F}^{r-1}. This map is surjective, as Clifford algebra is a quotient of tensor algebra. To see that this map is injective, notice that element in the kernel of

rVGr\bigotimes^r V\rightarrow \mathscr{G}^r

can be written as ai(vivi)bi\sum a_i\otimes(v_i\otimes v_i)\otimes b_i, where viVv_i\in V and ai,bia_i,b_i are of pure degree such that deg(ai)+deg(bi)r2\deg(a_i)+\deg(b_i)\leq r-2. Such element descends to 00 in ΛV\Lambda^*V, which implies that this map is an injection. \square

Prop. There is a canonical vector space isomorphism

f:ΛVCl(V,q)f:\Lambda^*V\rightarrow Cl(V,q)

compatible with the filtration, i.e.

f(ΛnV)=Gn(Cl(V,q))f(\Lambda^n V)=\mathscr{G}^n(Cl(V,q))

Proof. Define fr:V×VCl(V,q)f_r:V\times\cdots V\rightarrow Cl(V,q), by setting

fr(v1,,vr)=1r!σSym(r)sgn(σ)vσ(1)vσ(r).f_r(v_1,\cdots,v_r)=\frac{1}{r!}\sum_{\sigma\in Sym(r)}\mathrm{sgn}(\sigma)v_{\sigma(1)}\cdots v_{\sigma(r)}.

Since frf_r is anti-symmetric and multi-linear, then frf_r can be extended uniquely to f~r:ΛrVCl(V,q)\tilde{f}_r:\Lambda^r V\rightarrow Cl(V,q). Moreover, by linear expansion, {f~r}\{\tilde{f}_r\} can be expanded to

f~:ΛVCl(V,q).\tilde{f}:\Lambda^*V\rightarrow Cl(V,q).

where f~(ΛrV)Gr(Cl(V,q))\tilde{f}(\Lambda^rV) \subset \mathscr{G}^r(Cl(V,q)). Since f~r\tilde{f}_r is the map discussed in the above Prop, we know that their combination f~\tilde{f} is an isomorphism. \square

Remark. This isomorphism is NOT an algebra isomorphism, as

f(v)2=q(v)1f(vv)=0,f(v)^2=-q(v)\cdot 1\neq f(v\wedge v)=0,

unless the quadratic form q=0q=0.

Divided into two algebras

Question: if one can divide (V,q)(V,q) into two separating parts, what are the behaviors of their corresponding Clifford algebra?

Prop. Suppose that (V,q)(V,q) is a kk-vector space with quadratic form qq, and (V1,q1)(V_1,q_1), (V2,q2)(V_2,q_2) are two subspaces of VV such that

V=V1V2V=V_1\oplus V_2

and q(v1+v2)=q1(v1)+q2(v2)q(v_1+v_2)=q_1(v_1)+q_2(v_2), for all v1V1v_1\in V_1 and v2V2v_2\in V_2. Then

Cl(V,q)Cl(V1,q1)^Cl(V2,q2),Cl(V,q)\simeq Cl(V_1,q_1)\hat{\otimes}Cl(V_2,q_2),

where ^\hat{\otimes} is the tensor of two Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-graded algebra.

Proof. Consider a map f:VCl(V1,q1)^Cl(V2,q2)f:V\rightarrow Cl(V_1,q_1)\hat{\otimes}Cl(V_2,q_2) defined by

f(v)=v11+1v2f(v)=v_1\otimes 1+1\otimes v_2

and its linear expansion, where v=v1+v2v=v_1+v_2 is the unique factorization of vV1V2v\in V_1\oplus V_2. Then

f(v)f(v)=(v11+1v2)2=v121+(1)deg0deg0v1v2+(1)degv1degv2v1v2+1v22=q1(v1)11q2(v2)11=q(v)11.\begin{aligned} f(v)\cdot f(v) &=(v_1\otimes 1+1\otimes v_2)^2\\ &=v_1^2\otimes 1+(-1)^{\deg 0\deg 0}v_1\otimes v_2+(-1)^{\deg v_1\deg v_2}v_1\otimes v_2+1\otimes v^2_2\\ &=-q_1(v_1) 1\otimes 1-q_2(v_2)1\otimes 1\\ &=-q(v)1\otimes 1. \end{aligned}

By the universal property of Clifford algebra, ff can be extended uniquely to

f~:Cl(V,q)Cl(V1,q1)^Cl(V2,q2).\tilde{f}:Cl(V,q)\rightarrow Cl(V_1,q_1)\hat{\otimes}Cl(V_2,q_2).

  • Surjectivity: since the image of f~\tilde{f} is the subalgebra containing Cl(V1,q1)1Cl(V_1,q_1)\otimes 1and 1Cl(V2,q2)1\otimes Cl(V_2,q_2), then f~\tilde{f} is surjective.
  • Injectivity: consider a basis {e1,,en}\{e_1,\cdots,e_n\} for the vector space VV. Then a basis for the Clifford algebra is

ei1ei2eik,1kn,1i1<<ikn.e_{i_1}e_{i_2}\cdots e_{i_k}, \quad 1\leq k\leq n, \quad 1\leq i_1<\cdots<i_k\leq n.

by analyzing the behavior of f~\tilde{f} on such basis, we know that f~\tilde{f} is injective. \square


Since the tensor algebra T(V)\mathscr{T}(V) has a natural involution defined by

v1vrvrv1,v_1\otimes\cdots\otimes v_r\mapsto v_r\otimes\cdots\otimes v_1,

then this map also descend to a map on Clifford algebra

()t:Cl(V,q)Cl(V,q)(\cdot)^t:Cl(V,q)\rightarrow Cl(V,q)

called a transpose. Note that ()t(\cdot)^t is an anti-automorphism, namely
