Clifford algebra
Given a field k. Consider a k-vector field V endowed with a quadratic form q. Recall that a quadratic form q is a map
such that q(λv)=λ2q(v), for all λ∈k and v∈V, and that
is a bilinear map. In particular, q is symmetric.
Def. The Clifford algebra of (V,q) is defined as
is the tensor algebra of V, and Iq(V) is the ideal generated by v⊗v+q(v)1k. Denote the multiplication of elements in Cl(V,q) by
Remark. The vector space V can be thought of as a subspace in Cl(V,q), as V=V⊗1.
As an algebraic object, or regarding Cl(V,q) as a quotient space, we can think of its universal property.
Prop. The Clifford algebra of (V,q) has the following universal property: given an associative algebra A and a k-linear map f:V→A, satisfying
there exists a unique map f~:Cl(V,q)→A that extends f.
With this property, once given a morphism f:(V,q)→(V′,q′), then this morphism induces a morphism between Clifford algebra
such that f∗(v⊗w)=f(v)⊗f(w). Moreover, one can verify that ∗ is a covariant functor.
Clifford algebra as a filtered algebra
Clifford algebra has a filtered structure as a
Def. A filtered algebra A is an associative algebra with a sequence of subsets
such that ⋃FiA=A, and FiA⋅FjA⊂Fi+jA. The associated graded algebra G is defined by
e.g. The tensor algebra T(V) of a k-vector space is a filtered algebra, with filtration
Remark. There is a strong relation between the filtered structures on T(V) and Cl(V,q).
Structure on Cl(V,q) and Λ∗V
Prop. The associated graded algebra of Cl(V,q) is naturally isomorphic to the exterior algebra Λ∗V.
Proof. Consider a map
defined by v1⊗⋯⊗vr↦[v1⋯vr]. This map could be descended to
as we have the Clifford equation
has degree 0, which vanishes in Fr−1. This map is surjective, as Clifford algebra is a quotient of tensor algebra. To see that this map is injective, notice that element in the kernel of
can be written as ∑ai⊗(vi⊗vi)⊗bi, where vi∈V and ai,bi are of pure degree such that deg(ai)+deg(bi)≤r−2. Such element descends to 0 in Λ∗V, which implies that this map is an injection. □
Prop. There is a canonical vector space isomorphism
compatible with the filtration, i.e.
Proof. Define fr:V×⋯V→Cl(V,q), by setting
Since fr is anti-symmetric and multi-linear, then fr can be extended uniquely to f~r:ΛrV→Cl(V,q). Moreover, by linear expansion, {f~r} can be expanded to
where f~(ΛrV)⊂Gr(Cl(V,q)). Since f~r is the map discussed in the above Prop, we know that their combination f~ is an isomorphism. □
Remark. This isomorphism is NOT an algebra isomorphism, as
unless the quadratic form q=0.
Divided into two algebras
Question: if one can divide (V,q) into two separating parts, what are the behaviors of their corresponding Clifford algebra?
Prop. Suppose that (V,q) is a k-vector space with quadratic form q, and (V1,q1), (V2,q2) are two subspaces of V such that
and q(v1+v2)=q1(v1)+q2(v2), for all v1∈V1 and v2∈V2. Then
where ⊗^ is the tensor of two Z2-graded algebra.
Proof. Consider a map f:V→Cl(V1,q1)⊗^Cl(V2,q2) defined by
and its linear expansion, where v=v1+v2 is the unique factorization of v∈V1⊕V2. Then
By the universal property of Clifford algebra, f can be extended uniquely to
- Surjectivity: since the image of f~ is the subalgebra containing Cl(V1,q1)⊗1and 1⊗Cl(V2,q2), then f~ is surjective.
- Injectivity: consider a basis {e1,⋯,en} for the vector space V. Then a basis for the Clifford algebra is
by analyzing the behavior of f~ on such basis, we know that f~ is injective. □
Since the tensor algebra T(V) has a natural involution defined by
then this map also descend to a map on Clifford algebra
called a transpose. Note that (⋅)t is an anti-automorphism, namely