This post is mainly based on Chapter 2B of Algebraic Topology written by Allen Hatcher.
Prop. An odd map f:Sn→Sn, satisfying f(x)=−f(−x) for all x∈Sn, must have odd degree.
Proof. Consider a two-fold covering space p:X~→X. Define
where σ~1 and σ~2 are two lifting of σ. Then there is an exact sequence of homology
Since p:Sn→RPn is a two-fold covering map, then we can apply the above transfer diagram to Sn and RPn. Since f:Sn→Sn is odd, then f induces a well-defined map
Consider the following diagram of chain group:
Here the right-hand square is commutative, as p∘f=fˉ∘p, and the left-hand square is commutative, as
Hence there is a long exact sequence of homology groups:
Therefore, by induction of i, fˉ induces an isomorphism of homology groups on each 1≤i≤n−1, namely
is an isomorphism. As for the n-th homology, notice that the following diagram:
Therefore, the induced homomorphism f∗:Hn(Sn;Z2)→Hn(Sn;Z2) is an isomorphism, which is a the multiplication of degf(mod2). Hence degf is odd. □
Borsuk-Ulam theorem appears as a corollary of the above result.
Cor. (Borsuk-Ulam) For every map f:Sn→Rn, there exists a point x∈Sn, such that f(x)=f(−x).