Covering in Riemann Surfaces

The main goal of this chapter is to realize the relationship among the following concepts:

  1. covering maps, proper maps, local homeomorphisms, para-compact spaces…
  2. nonconstant holomorphic map, branched covering maps, (un)ramified…

Topological side

Let’s start with some definitions in topology.

Def A topological space XX is called locally compact, if it is Hausdorff and that every point has a compact neighborhood.

Def Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a continuous map between topological spaces. If for every compact subset KYK\subset Y, we have f1(K)f^{-1}(K) is also compact, then ff is called proper.

In Chinese, “proper” refers to “逆紧”, which means that the inverse of a compact set is compact.

Def (Covering) Let XX and YY be two topological spaces. A continuous map f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y is a covering if yY\forall y\in Y, VY\exists V\subset Y an open neighborhood of yy, and UxU_x an open neighborhood of xf1(y)x\in f^{-1}(y), such that

  1. f1(V)=xf1(y)Uxf^{-1}(V)=\bigsqcup\limits_{x\in f^{-1}(y)}U_x,
  2. fUx:UxVf|_{U_x}:U_x\rightarrow V is a homeomorphism.

The above two statements are equivalent to f1(V)f1(y)×Vf^{-1}(V)\cong f^{-1}(y)\times V.

Riemann surfaces: Ramification/Branch

When Riemann surfaces show up, complex analysis has an active and elegant performance. Recall that local normal form theorem tells us that any nonconstant, holomorphic map f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y between Riemann surfaces has a local normal form zkz^k near xXx\in X, given that the local coordinates are well-chosen. First we recall the definition of ramification.

Def. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a nonconstant holomorphic map. Suppose xXx\in X and the local normal form of ff near x is f=zkf=z^k. Define


to be the ramification index of xXx\in X. If vx(f)2v_x(f)\geq 2, then xx is said to be a ramification point. If ff contains no ramification point, then ff​ is said to be unramified. In addition, the set of ramification points is denoted by

R:={aX:va(f)2}.R:=\{a\in X:v_a(f)\geq 2\}.

The idea of ramification lies in the domain.

Def. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a nonconstant holomorphic map. Define


to be the set of branched points of ff.

The idea of branched lies in the codomain.

Fact xX\forall x\in X and UXU\subset X be an open neighborhood of xx in XX. Set y=f(x)y=f(x). Then UU\exists U'\subset U another open neighborhood of xx such that

f1(y)U=va(f)|f^{-1}(y)\cap U'|=v_a(f)

Riemann surfaces have both sides

First, let’s play with some naive cases.

e.g. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces.

  1. If ff is constant, then ff is proper \Leftrightarrow XX is compact.
  2. If YY is compact and ff is proper, then XX is also compact.

Proof. For (1), notice that singleton is compact. For (2), notice that X=f1(Y)X=f^{-1}(Y) is the inverse of a compact set. \square

Lemma. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a nonconstant holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces. If XX is compact, then ff is proper.

Proof. Let KYK\subset Y be a compact subset of YY. Then YY is closed. Since ff is continuous, then f1(Y)f^{-1}(Y) is also closed. As a closed subset of a compact space XX, f1(Y)f^{-1}(Y) is also compact. \square

Lemma. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a nonconstant holomorphic proper map between Riemann surfaces. Then

  1. f1(y)<|f^{-1}(y)|<\infty, yY\forall y\in Y.
  2. Let yYy\in Y, UXU\subset X be an open neighborhood of f1(y)f^{-1}(y). Then there exists an open neighborhood VYV\subset Y, such that f1(V)Uf^{-1}(V)\subset U.

Proof. (1) Since ff is holomorphic, then by identity theorem, f1(y)f^{-1}(y) is discrete, which means that xf1(y)\forall x\in f^{-1}(y), UxX\exists U_x\subset X an open neighborhood of xx, such that f0f\neq 0 in UxxU_x-x . Additionally, since f1(y)f^{-1}(y) is compact, and f1(y)f^{-1}(y) can be covered by disjoint {Ux}xf1(y)\{U_x\}_{x\in f^{-1}(y)}, then f1(y)f^{-1}(y) is finite.

(2) Step 1: Proper holomorphic map is closed. Let AXA\subset X be a closed set. We cover YY by closed “disks”, namely holomorphic preimages of closed disks under local coordinate charts. Denote

Bˉ=φ1(Br(z))X.\bar{B}=\varphi^{-1}(\overline{B_r(z)})\subset X.

It suffices to show that f(A)Bˉf(A)\cap\bar{B} is closed.

Then xf(A)\forall x\in\partial f(A), there exists a sequence xif(A)x_i\in f(A) converging to xx. Denote xi=f(ai)x_i=f(a_i) where aiAa_i\in A. There is a subsequence of aia_i lies in Bˉ\bar{B} since f(A)Bˉf(A)\cap\bar{B} is closed.

Since Bˉ\bar{B} is compact and ff is proper, then f1(Bˉ)f^{-1}(\bar{B}) is compact and thus closed. Then A:=Af1(Bˉ)A':=A\cap f^{-1}(\bar{B}) is a closed subset of f1(Bˉ)f^{-1}(\bar{B}) and thus compact. Using that continuous map takes compact set to compact set, we have f(Af1(Bˉ))=f(A)Bˉf(A\cap f^{-1}(\bar{B}))=f(A)\cap\bar{B} is compact and thus closed.

Step 2: Construction of VV. Let Z=XUZ=X-U closed. Then f(Z)f(Z) is closed and yf(Z)y\notin f(Z). Then there exists an open neighborhood VV of yy, such that Vf(Z)=V\cap f(Z)=\emptyset. Therefore, f1(V)Z=f^{-1}(V)\cap Z=\emptyset and f1(V)Uf^{-1}(V)\subset U. \square

Coverings are ubiquitous

Def. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a nonconstant holomorphic map of Riemann surfaces. Say ff is a branched covering if XX\exists X'\subset X open and dense, s.t.

fX:XYf|_{X'}:X'\rightarrow Y

is covering.

Cor. Let f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y be a proper, nonconstant, holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces. Set



Then fX:XYf|_{X'}:X'\rightarrow Y' is a covering.

Proof. Since ff is proper, then f:=fXf':=f|_{X'} is also proper. Then the set of ramification points R(f)XR(f)\subset X and the set of branched points B(f)YB(f)\subset Y are discrete. Thus, ff' is unramified \Rightarrow ff' is a local homeomorphism. By the lemma above, UX\exists U\subset X an open neighborhood of f1(y)f^{-1}(y), s.t.

f1(V)U.f^{-1}(V)\subset U.

Hence ff' is a covering. \square