Riemann Surface: Intro

Now we are in a position to derive some basic understanding on Riemann surfaces.

Play with Riemann Surface

Keeping in mind about the definition of “biholomorphic”, “complex charts”, “compatible”.

[Def] (Riemann Surface) A Riemann surface is a pair (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma), where XX is a connected manifold of complex dimension 11 and Σ\Sigma is a complex structure on XX.

With the knowledge on manifold, by only changing “homeomorphism” to “biholomorphic”, the definition of holomorphic function, holomorphic map and biholomorphism between Riemann surfaces are easy to write.

[Lemma] Let XX, YY be Riemann surfaces, UXU\subset X be an open set of XX. Then

  1. the inclusion map i:UXi:U\rightarrow X is holomorphic;
  2. f:YUf:Y\rightarrow U is holomorphic \Leftrightarrow if:YXi\circ f:Y\rightarrow X is holomorphic;
  3. Let {Ui}iI\{U_i\}_{i\in I} be an open cover of XX. Then f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y is holomorphic \Leftrightarrow fi:UiYf_i:U_i\rightarrow Y is holomorphic iI\forall i\in I.

The most important and somehow original object that we are playing with must be the Riemann sphere.

Riemann Sphere

[e.g.] (Riemann Sphere) Denote Cˉ=C{}\bar{\mathbb{C}}=\mathbb{C}\cup\{\infty\}, equipped with a topological structure where open sets in Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}} is defined as

  1. open sets of C\mathbb{C};
  2. V{}V\cup\{\infty\}, where V=CKV=\mathbb{C}-K is the complement of a compact set KK.

Since compact sets in C\mathbb{C} are closed and bounded, then \infty and any zCz\in\mathbb{C} can be separated by two open sets. Thus Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}} is Hausdorff. In addition, given any open cover {Ui}iI\{U_i\}_{i\in I} of Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}}, jI\exists j\in I, s.t.

Uj.\infty\in U_j.

By the definition of open sets in Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}}, the complement of UjU_j is a compact set. Hence there exists a finite subcover U\mathcal{U} of {Ui}iI\{U_i\}_{i\in I} covers UjcU_j^c​, which means that


is a finite subcover of Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}}. Therefore, Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}} is compact. To prove that Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}} is a Riemann surface, let

U1=Cˉ{}=Cˉ,U2=Cˉ{0}=C{}.\begin{aligned} U_1&=\bar{\mathbb{C}}-\{\infty\}=\bar{\mathbb{C}},\\ U_2&=\bar{\mathbb{C}}-\{0\}=\mathbb{C}^*\cup\{\infty\}. \end{aligned}


φ1:U1Czzφ2:U2Cz1z, 0\begin{aligned} \varphi_1:U_1&\rightarrow \mathbb{C}\\ z&\mapsto z\\ \varphi_2:U_2&\rightarrow \mathbb{C}\\ z\mapsto\frac{1}{z},&~\infty \mapsto 0\\ \end{aligned}

Then it can be verified that φi\varphi_i are both homeomorphisms. Thus Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}} is a complex manifold of complex dimension 11. Since U1U_1, U2U_2, and U1U2U_1\cap U_2 are all connected, then Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}} is also connected.

To summarize, Cˉ\bar{\mathbb{C}}​ is a Riemann surface.

Complex Torus

Another interesting example is complex torus. In this part, we shall take the equality of objects carefully.

[e.g.] (Complex Torus) Let w1,w2Cw_1,w_2\in\mathbb{C} be two linearly independent elements over R\mathbb{R}. Denote the lattice

L:={nw1+mw2:n,mZ}=Zw1Zw2\begin{aligned} L: &=\{nw_1+mw_2:n,m\in\mathbb{Z}\}\\ &=\mathbb{Z}w_1\oplus\mathbb{Z}w_2 \end{aligned}

and the fundamental parallelogram


Define C/L:={z+L:zC}\mathbb{C}/L:=\{z+L:z\in\mathbb{C}\} and there is a natural projection π:CC/L\pi:\mathbb{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}/L


Hence C/L\mathbb{C}/L can be equipped with quotient topology. To show that C/L\mathbb{C}/L is a, so called, “complex torus”, we shall verify that C/L\mathbb{C}/L is

  1. compact;
  2. connected;
  3. endowed with complex structure.

Compactness: Since the fundamental parallelogram Π\Pi is compact, and the projection map π\pi is continuous, then C/L\mathbb{C}/L is also compact.

Open mapping: Given an open set VCV\subset\mathbb{C}, it suffices to show that π(V)\pi(V) is open. By the definition of openness in C/L\mathbb{C}/L,

π(V) is openV~=π1(π(V)) is open.\pi(V)\text{~is~open}\Leftrightarrow\tilde{V}=\pi^{-1}(\pi(V))~\text{is~open}.

Since the preimage can be written as

V~=wL(V+w)\tilde{V}=\bigcup_{w\in L}(V+w)

the union of open sets in C\mathbb{C}, then π(V)\pi(V) is open and π\pi is an open map.

Complex Structure: